Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Make a Movie With No Money

You can make a movie.

Anyone can make a movie. Everyone has a story to tell. You just have to get off your ass and make your movie.

Our films have screened at over 300 film festivals worldwide. And have a cult following. We've just made 2 more short films within the last 3 months, and they're beginning to explode on the film festival circuit. Just lanched a brand new web series on Youtube, Blip TV and Funny or Die. And now shooting a new documentary film, and lining up a new shoot for a web series in Las Vegas this fall.

And on no budget.

Be an underground filmmaker. Let your voice through film. Make movies. You can do it.

No budget filmmaking is a dream come true. Get a camera and start shooting. There is an audience for your film.

Award winning documentary short film
Directed by Jack Truman
Featuring Opal Dockery