Thursday, December 13, 2012




Award-Winning Filmmaker to Launch New Book In Park City

Burbank, California – Anyone can make a movie. With no money. And be a well known filmmaker.

That's the premise of the new filmmaking book NO BUDGET FILMMAKING: Or How to be a Well Known Filmmaker and Be Broke at the Same Time, written by Jack Truman. Truman, an award-winning independent filmmaker, shares valuable tools, tips, and secrets of the industry trade in a book designed to help any aspiring moviemaker make their movie.

“It's not hard to make a movie. You just have to make your movie”, Truman stated in press materials. “Everyone has a story to tell. And there is an audience out there for your film. You just have to make it and get it out there. I wrote this book with the objective to help anyone make a movie with no money and become successful in the independent film world. I'm living proof it can be done. If I can do it, anyone can”.

An informative, alternative, out-of-the-box reference book for the film industry, NO BUDGET FILMMAKING covers a wide range of tips and tools: from proven filmmaking techniques, valuable industry resources, and more, this book guides the aspiring filmmaker from concept to distribution on the film festival circuit, and beyond. A must-have resource for anyone who needs help with making a low budget film on their own, NO BUDGET FILMMAKING is a breakthrough book for the next generation of filmmakers.

Author Jack Truman is an award-winning filmmaker and 25 year veteran of stage and film. A former professor at Texas A&M University, Truman has also appeared in several television series and major motion pictures. His film directorial debut, the award-winning hit cult short film PHONE SEX GRANDMA premiered at the 2006 Slamdance Film Festival. Combined, Truman's films have screened at over 300 film festivals worldwide to date. Jack was recently on the Short Film Jury at the 2012 Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

NO BUDGET FILMMAKING will be released in January at Park City in conjunction with the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

Contact Director Jack Truman at

A Dixie Production

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Make a Movie With No Money

You can make a movie.

Anyone can make a movie. Everyone has a story to tell. You just have to get off your ass and make your movie.

Our films have screened at over 300 film festivals worldwide. And have a cult following. We've just made 2 more short films within the last 3 months, and they're beginning to explode on the film festival circuit. Just lanched a brand new web series on Youtube, Blip TV and Funny or Die. And now shooting a new documentary film, and lining up a new shoot for a web series in Las Vegas this fall.

And on no budget.

Be an underground filmmaker. Let your voice through film. Make movies. You can do it.

No budget filmmaking is a dream come true. Get a camera and start shooting. There is an audience for your film.

Award winning documentary short film
Directed by Jack Truman
Featuring Opal Dockery

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Leading By Example

They say those who can, teach. But most of the time (for example), if you go to school, those who can't, teach. 95% of the time, a teacher in a specific field is teaching because they either couldn't make it in that field, were too afraid to try, or is some kid right out of college with no life experience trying to be an expert in a field.

So, in this humble filmmaker/consultant's opinion, if you want to teach someone, do it by example.

Then here we go.

My brand new short film is getting ready to explode on the film festival circuit. It's been about a year since I made a film that got out there, so I knew it was time to make another one. And this time, in a rare twist, I'm starring in the film as well. Was an award winning stage and film actor for over 15 years before turning over to the Directing role. It's fun exercising those old acting chops after about a 10 year rest.

WOODY THE REDNECK will be having its World Premiere next month in Cape Cod at the Woods Hole Film Festival. 3 weeks later, its Southeast premiere in Birmingham at the Sidewalk Film Festival. Then 2 weeks later, its West Coast premiere in Las Vegas at the Cine Vegas Film Festival. Just finished making this little 5 minute mockumentary about 2 months ago and began sending it out to festivals around the world. My films to date have screened at over 300 film festivals worldwide. So I've already built and established a global film audience. And they wait constantly for my next film. So no more film submission fees. And complete freedom to make my own films my own way.

WOODY is going to shock the world. At least, to those who see it. And more shocking than anything, the character and film is based on actual events.

Lead by example. That's the way I look at things. This 25 year veteran film/stage artist has a lot to teach. And still a lot to create.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Forget Cannes: Smaller Film Festivals are the Way to Go

If you're a filmmaker, and you want to share your film with the world, screening at any film festival is a great thing. Sundance is great. Cannes is great. SXSW is great. You've probably heard of the biggies out there.

And they say that entering a major big film festival as a filmmaker is like the lottery: you can't screen there if you don't enter.

But I'll be honest. Some of the best film festivals out there are the smaller ones. Submit to them. And when you get accepted, do everything you can to attend. For one thing, these smaller film festivals have a great local indie film community, and it's a great place to have indie film lovers see your film as an audience where they would otherwise never get to see it. And for another thing, if you can make the festival, the place treats you like royalty. It's a rock star life. I'm not kidding.

I'm not telling you to not submit to Sundance or Cannes or the other big name film festivals out there. But the smaller film festivals, in my opinion, are the way to go.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Go to Film School - Make Your Movie

Take it from someone who makes no budget films. And has had their films screen at over 300 film festivals around the world.

You don't have to go to film school to make a movie.

You don't have to go to film school to distribute and share your movie with the world.

Anyone can make a movie. With no money. And screen it around the world on movie screens.

There's a big film festival world out there. And they're hungry for new movies.

It never ceases to amaze me when I'm at a film festival with one of my films, I watch other films there, and there's an endless line of film credits. It's obvious that these filmmakers spent a lot of money, and had a nice sized budget to make their movie. But the films that are talked about the most at film festivals, and generate the most buzz, are the personal films. The films that only that person can make. The films that people are afraid to make or have no idea where to start.

It's a job. But you can make a movie and share it on the film festival circuit, with a great festival run without any or little money. I'm living proof.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Short Film Route to Success

There was a great news story from the Times of India today titled "Take the Short Film Route to Success". Some good info in here that you may want to check out:

If you are making a short film, you can be successful as a filmmaker, and have a worldwide audience. It's a job. But it is possible.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Short Film Markets

If you have a short film, and aren't sure where to start showing it on the film festival circuit, there's a lot of options for you.

To start with, you have over 5,000 film festivals to choose from. If you don't have anyone helping you market your film, you can start on your own. It's tough. And it's a job. But you can do it. Just start submitting to film festivals you think are a fit for your film.

There is another option for you. If you're not sure and have no idea at all where to start with your film, a Short Film Market is a good alternative. There's a handful of good short film markets around the world. What these markets do is take hundreds, sometimes thousands, of short films from around the world each year, and for about one week, have all the short films available for industry people to watch. You never know. A programmer for a festival may see your short there, and invite you to screen your short film at their festival. A distributor may see your short film and want to distribute it globally. You have a lot of options. If you're someone who has just finished making a short film, and don't know where to start showing your film, a short film market could be a great alternative for you.

If you are looking for help with getting your film out to the world, I can help you as well. That's what I do. Let me know. I'm here to help you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Best Film Festivals

There's a lot of great film festivals out there in this world. Your job, as a filmmaker, is to find the best ones for your movie. With over 5000 film festivals globally, that can be quite a task.

As a filmmaker, my films have screened at over 300 film festivals worldwide. There's some great ones out there....and not so great. But regardless how good the festival is, you have to take that with a grain of salt, and have the attitude that the festival is an audience for your film. So play your film at any festival it can screen at. And build your audience.

Based on my experience, I've had great experiences with film festivals. There's different festivals for different films. My films are very alternative, underground and independent. So they appeal to all types of film festivals. Based on my experience, these are my favorites:

Slamdance Film Festival
Florida Film Festival

If you get a film in Slamdance, you become family. It's like the mob. Once you're in, you're family for life. Slamdance rocks. The Park City madness during Sundance in January....that experience is like no other. And I much prefer Slamdance to Sundance.

Cucalorus, simply put, is the bomb. The coolest film festival I've ever been to. Hands down. A 4 day party. If you screen at this festival, you are spoiled for life.

The Florida Film Festival has a great bunch of people. The Enzian Theater is a great, awesome screening space. And Orlando is a great city to be in during the festival. These people know how to put on one hell of a festival.

There's a lot of other great ones out there. It's your job to find the ones that best fit your film.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Short Film Festival Market

Do you have a short film that you want to share with the world? Want to have it play film festivals around the world?

There is an audience out there for your short film.

If you're new to the film festival world, you need help. There's hundreds, even thousands, of film festivals globally that screen short films. Which is the best for your short film? Let me help you.

Email me at

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Best Film Festivals for Your Movie

Are you looking for the right film festivals to screen your film? There is one out there that is perfect for your career.

It doesn't matter what your film is about, or the quality. If you have a story to tell, there is an audience waiting to see it.

Let me help you find the best film festivals for your film.

Watch the new documentary web series STORIES FROM AN OLD STRIPPER - Season 1 on Blip TV:

Episode 6, STORIES FROM AN OLD STRIPPER - The Ropes of Life:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Film Festivals for Your Movie

There's a lot of film festivals out there. And there is a market for your film. No matter what it's about.

Thousands of film festivals are around the world, looking for great films by independent filmmakers. Short films. Feature films. Animation. Documentaries. Comedy and Drama. Commercials. Works in Progress. The list goes on and on.

There's great books and websites that are valuable tools for the independent filmmaker. And they can skyrocket your film to festival success, creating a valuable buzz.

Let me help you get your film out there on the festival circuit.

Watch the award winning hit cult underground short film THE OUTHOUSE! A Slamdance $99 Special Film:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time to Pay it Forward

It's time to pay it forward.

I am a filmmaker. And make movies. That's what I do. It's hard for me to imagine doing something in the entertainment business outside of being an artist. But it's time to start paying things forward. Some changes are coming.

Last month, I was on the Film Jury at the 2012 Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. And I'll be honest. Being on the film jury there for eight days, watching movies, and helping other filmmakers, gave me a different perspective on some things. Reflecting back on my background of over 25 years in stage and film, I've done a lot over the years. Been a lot of places. Done a lot of things. Shared my art, messages, and have got films out to the world. Slamdance was the first place that screened one of my films years ago. And now, here I am, helping fellow filmmakers with getting their films screened. It's destiny.

It's time to pay it forward.

I'll be helping a handful of filmmakers who had films in Park City this year get their films out on the festival circuit. And branch out to other filmmakers as well. We all have stories to tell. And can't do it alone. Well, you can. But I'll be honest. It helps to have people in your back pocket.

And that's what this new film festival consultant is here for. To help the next generation of filmmakers get their stories out to the world.