Friday, May 18, 2012

Forget Cannes: Smaller Film Festivals are the Way to Go

If you're a filmmaker, and you want to share your film with the world, screening at any film festival is a great thing. Sundance is great. Cannes is great. SXSW is great. You've probably heard of the biggies out there.

And they say that entering a major big film festival as a filmmaker is like the lottery: you can't screen there if you don't enter.

But I'll be honest. Some of the best film festivals out there are the smaller ones. Submit to them. And when you get accepted, do everything you can to attend. For one thing, these smaller film festivals have a great local indie film community, and it's a great place to have indie film lovers see your film as an audience where they would otherwise never get to see it. And for another thing, if you can make the festival, the place treats you like royalty. It's a rock star life. I'm not kidding.

I'm not telling you to not submit to Sundance or Cannes or the other big name film festivals out there. But the smaller film festivals, in my opinion, are the way to go.

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