Monday, February 4, 2013

Anyone Can Make a Movie

Filmmaker Jack Truman & Writer/Star Opal Dockery
River's Edge Film Festival

Anyone can make a movie.

Yes, you heard that right. Anyone can make a movie.

Are you just as smart as anyone? Take the dumbest person you ever met in your life. Out of all the people you've come across in your life. Try to think of the least intelligent person you've ever come across. Are you thinking about them right now? Do you picture them in your mind?

That idiot you're thinking about can make a movie.

Take it from someone who's been in this business for over 25 years. You don't need money. You don't even need to know how this business works. If you have an idea, or a story to tell, you can make that idea or story into a movie and share it with the world.

With no money.

Title: NO BUDGET FILMMAKING or How to be a Well-Known Filmmaker & Be Broke at the Same Time
Written by Jack Truman
Copyright 2013 @ Dixie Publishing
ISBN: 978 – 1 – 300 – 61518 – 7


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