Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Using Blogs & V-Logs to Make a No Budget Film

Jack Truman & Opal Dockery
2012 Cine Vegas Film Festival

You have to get an audience for your movie.

It's easy to make a movie with no money. But it takes time and work. A lot of your moviemaking will be getting an audience for your film. As an independent filmmaker, you have to wear many hats. And you have to be create, while always thinking and finding ways to build an audience for your no budget movie that's outside of the box.

A couple of creative ways are by using blogs and video blogs for your movie.

Create a film blog for your No Budget movie. Film some short 2 to 3 minute episodes of you talking interview style to the camera discussing your film. Make about 5-8 short interviews and create a short video blog interview web series online promoting your film. There's websites like Youtube and Blip TV that are free to join and create a free web series. With each episode, you can have a link attached to the site where people can go and buy your film. You never know. Your web series could generate thousands, even millions of views. Think about all those people that you're reaching who are finding out about your film.

Make a Podcast. Along with Film V-Logs, podcasts are another great way to share your film. A podcast is like a radio audio broadcast; like a radio show. People make podcasts about all kinds of subjects. You can too. Go to the internet and create a Podcast for your film. Have one day a week that you do a radio show promoting your film. It's a free and easy way to build an audience for your project. And a lot of fun. You can get really creative with this.

These are just a couple of creative ways to help you with your filmmaking journey to build an audience for your movie. 

Make your movie.

Directed by Jack Truman
A Dixie Film


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