Monday, January 28, 2013

NO BUDGET FILMMAKING - Making a Feature Film

Jack Truman, Peter Baxter & Opal Dockery
2013 Slamdance Film Festival

By Jack Truman, Filmmaker - Dixie Films

Well, after a busy month of January, a lot's got done. Wrote my NO BUDGET FILMMAKING book. Went to Park City for Sundance and Slamdance. Promoted & launched the new No Budget Film book in Park City. Editing Opal's directorial debut this week. Lining up next month's film festival screenings of our hit short films PEANUT MAN, WOODY THE REDNECK and PHONE SEX GRANDMA coast to coast.

It's been one hell of a January. I've done more as an underground filmmaker in one month than most people do their entire life.

Being in Park City with Sundance and Slamdance this year once again got the creative juices flowing good and strong. Being there again this year really opened my eyes to some things I really need to get done this year. I've got my work cut out for me as a No Budget underground independent filmmaker. It was great and eye opening to see how easy it's going to be to get some of these things done. Maybe easy's not the right word. Realistic is more like it. I can really see how things are going to get done. Making Mother's directorial debut film and getting it out on the festival circuit, along with women's rights, feminists and gay/lesbian groups. Releasing my new No Budget Filmmaking book strong on the festival circuit, to schools, filmmakers, actors and anyone who wants to make a movie. And shooting my first narrative feature film.

The feature film version of PHONE SEX GRANDMA will get shot this year.

I think it took returning to Park City with Opal to make me realize how we can really get this feature film made. Seven years after the hit short film version of PHONE SEX GRANDMA premiered in Park City at Slamdance, the buzz still rocks in that town, and at that festival. Everyone recognizes Opal. PSG still plays the festival circuit. People still talk about it all these years later in Park City. The buzz that happened in town during Sundance and Slamdance this year, the things I learned from the feature films that were at Slamdance and Sundance this year....made me realize. It's not going to be that difficult to make this feature film this year. It'll take a little time and work. But I'll be able to make it. And with little to no money.

One thing I learned from the films I saw in Park City this year was that I need to take my most successful short film from over the years and make it into a feature film. Out of all the shorts I've made that's been playing around the world on the film festival circuit, one film stands out alone from the pack. The short film PHONE SEX GRANDMA. That little 9 minute film still plays. Since it premiered at Slamdance in 2006, it's played over 100 film festivals. In 2 weeks, it plays a festival in Phoenix. In a month, a festival in the UK. I mean, hell....this short film keeps on kickin'. The proof is in the pudding. It just won't stop. If I make the feature film, if nothing else, I already have a global audience waiting to see it.

Shopping the feature film version of PHONE SEX GRANDMA at Sundance this year generated a lot of interest and buzz. I found people interested in helping me make the feature film. Over this next month, I have to find a good handful of people I've met over the years that I really like, to work with me on this film. I think over the next 6 months, we can shoot all of the footage in California, Nevada and the Midwest. It'll be hard. But I think it can be done.

These next few weeks, I've got my work cut out for me. First things first. I've got to finish editing Opal's new film that she's directed. Then start submitting it to the film festival circuit. That little documentary film is going to explode. Then I've got a little work to do on my new No Budget Film book. After those 2 projects, it looks like I can focus hard on getting this feature film version of PHONE SEX GRANDMA shot this year.

A lot to do.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

NO BUDGET FILMMAKING or How to Be a Well-Known Filmmaker & Be Broke at the Same Time
By Jack Truman
Copyright 2013 Dixie Publishing

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