Thursday, January 17, 2013

Opening Day at Sundance 2013: Movies, Networking....and Free Stuff

Well, the Sundance Film Festival starts today.

Personally, during this traditional Park City madness, I like the Slamdance Film Festival across the street much better. It's what Sundance used to be. Plus, Slamdance is like family. They screened my first film PHONE SEX GRANDMA, and have screened several of my films over the years. So I could be partial to my film family.

That being said, today officially begins what is referred to as the Park City Madness. Starting today, for the next week, there's too much to do on Main Street during the Sundance Film Festival. Movies, networking, panels, parties.....

And not to mention all the free stuff.

It's a filmmaker's dream. You get so many free things everywhere you go that can help you with your filmmaking process.

Welcome to the Park City madness they call the Sundance Film Festival.

NO BUDGET FILMMAKING or How to Be a Well Known Filmmaker & Be Broke at the Same Time
Written by Jack Truman
Copyright 2013 Dixie Publishing

The Award-Winning Hit Cult Short Film
Starring Opal Dockery
Directed by Jack Truman
Presented by Indieflix
A Dixie Film

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