Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Slamdance 2013: Day 2 in Park City

Jack Truman and Opal Dockery
Slamdance 2013

Day 2 in Park City

This fucking city has really changed.

If today is any indication, I don't know about this fucking city and Sundance week anymore. You talk about going Hollywood. Being the commercial, artificial LA bullshit. Today really reflected that.

I can't tell you how many things Opal and I went to today on Main Street that just crapped out. Or as I like to say, petered out. Take, for example, the coffee lounges on Main Street. There's about 7 or 8 this year that I know about (like the New York Lounge, Variety Lounge, Utah Film Hub, Sundance Channel, etc.) . Some of these places we'd go to sit and have a cup of coffee while networking, but some didn't even have coffee. Some were closed up for a special event. Some blocked me with a 'what can I do for you' snootie snoot attitude like I was a fucking nobody. Fuck this fucking shit. I never remember Park City like this. My first full day here for Sundance and Slamdance and I'm not getting into things I'm RSVP'd for, not meeting many people, not getting and giving seems really weird this year. Not near as good. I've been here 4 times over the years at Sundance and Slamdance. Twice with hit films PHONE SEX GRANDMA and THE OUTHOUSE. Last year as a Short Film Juror for Slamdance. This year as a Programmer for Slamdance, author of a new NO BUDGET FILMMAKING book and Director for the new feature PHONE SEX GRANDMA. And I never remember it this bad. It really reflects Hollywood. It's getting worse and worse that way each year. And this one takes the cake more than ever.

Plus, the films I've seen so far are for shit. I can't believe they select the crap that's showing this year that I've seen so far.

Here's a quick breakdown of what happened my first full day here at Sundance (Day 2);

Got up around 7 a.m. At the Motel 6 in Salt Lake City. Woke up with some morning coffee in the motel room while getting ready and wrote yesterday's blog, while lining up the schedule for the day. Drove to Park City. Stopped at Staples on the way and made copies of the new flier for the NO BUDGET FILMMAKING book. Went to Sundance and got lucky with the parking. Got to park right across the street (right in front of) the Sundance Headquarters. Took the Shuttle to Main Street. That ride took over an hour. Because of the long shuttle ride, we missed the Slamdance breakfast. So while walking down Main Street to the Sundance Channel Headquarters, we got some free coffee from Acura and Bad Ass Coffee. That coffee was really good. Tried wifi there on the laptop but couldn't get access. Left and drank the coffee while walking down Main Street. Got to the Sundance Channel and tried the wifi on the laptop, but it couldn't connect. There was a line with an hour wait for a free cup of coffee, so we said screw that and walked across the street to Slamdance. Got some tickets for some Slamdance films. Then walked down to the Sky Lodge of Heber for the Creative Coalition luncheon with Bill Pullman and Joey Lauren Adams. They wouldn't let us in. Didn't have our RSVP on the list. That really pissed me off. I RSVP'd over a week ago, after being invited to the brunch. So that was a waste of time. That petered out. So we walked down to the Utah Film Hub Lounge on Main Street. That's always a good one with coffee and snacks. They didn't have anything. Nothing. Not even coffee. Just people standing around in a room. So we walked up to the HP Lounge on Heber at the Sundance House. That was pretty good. Got to use some internet and check emails, and got some nice pictures taken. After that, walked across the street for the Slamdance panel with David Pierce. He was getting things set up for a late start, so we walked down to the New York Lounge on Main Street for a quick cup of coffee. Everyone in there had a snooty snoot attitude like their shit didn't stink. Didn't used to be like that in previous years. After a quick cup of coffee, we walked down to David's Slamdance legal panel. I enjoyed hearing David and Dan's stories (my Slamdance buddy Dan Mirvish). After the panel, I went up to David for some legal advice on my upcoming feature film PHONE SEX GRANDMA and...well....I won't even go there. I'll just say he treated me for shit. One good gift I have is a talent for reading people. It's something I picked up years ago when working in property management. And it helps me to this day. It was obvious he didn't want to talk to me. He told me things that he knew I already knew. And told me he couldn't help me. So that pissed me off. But oh, well. These fucking Hollywood people. What else is new? But I do have to say I enjoyed hearing Dan and David talk. It was inspiring. So we left the Slamdance Public House after the panel and walked up Main Street to the Mc D's and Social Red Media Lounge for a cup of coffee and to network (another place I RSVP'd for every day). We weren't in there 15 seconds someone came up to us and told us we had to leave. They said if we weren't media, we had to go. They were closing up early for a big media event. So that petered out. Pissed me off again. We left and walked up to Slamdance. Got some free Red Bull, free Luna health bars, and stood around chatting with some old film friends for about an hour. That was the most fun we'd been having all day. By then, it was time for the Sundance Channel party across the street, but I was really loaded down with stuff. So I decided it would be best to return some of this stuff to the car. We took the shuttle back to the car and I dropped off bags of stuff and my laptop (which I never got to use on Main Street all day). Taking the shuttle back to Main Street took over an hour. By the time we got back to Main Street, they had closed the party early for the Sundance Channel. I had RSVP'd for that. And that petered out. Pissed me off again. So I said screw that. We walked across the street to Slamdance and went to the first Happy Hour. That was fun. Saw some old friends and met some new ones. Opal was back to her rock star self with everyone recognizing her as PHONE SEX GRANDMA. After an hour of that, we walked next door for the North Carolina film party. That petered out. There was a long line on Main Street for that. A mob. Like a crowd of rats packed together trying to mob into a place to get the cheese. That's what it looked like to me. We had RSVP'd for it 2 weeks ago. After 30 minutes, the line hadn't even moved. They were full, and you had to wait for people to leave for a body to go in. So we never got in. That pissed me off. So we walked back to Slamdance and saw the documentary feature film THE INSTITUTE. Damn. What an awful movie. Just bad. That's all I'll say about that. And the short documentary film with it THE CORNER GARDEN wasn't good either. After those films, we walked to the Morningstar Farms building for some free vegan burgers. They were great. That was the most fun I've had here yet. Then we ran over to see the premiere of the new Slamdance film THE DIRTIES with the short TURTLE. Both were okay, so so films. Better than THE INSTITUTE. In my opinion, that's not saying much. Don't mean to come across too brutal, but I'm just being hones about things. But you know what they say. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. By the time that was over, it was almost 1.a.m.; so we took the late shuttle to the car, drove back to Salt Lake City and got to the Motel 6 room around 2:15 a.m.; a lot that day, for the first full day at Sundance 2013.

Let's hope today gets better.

Featuring Opal Dockery
A Slamdance $99 Short Film

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