Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sundance 2013: Getting Ready for the Park City Madness

Well, it's that time of year.

The 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The 2013 Slamdance Film Festival. The 7 to 9 days that make up the insanity of the annual Park City madness the third week of January. It's an annual tradition. And I won't miss it for the world.

Got a lot to do before I get up there on Friday for Opening Night. Film people to contact, lining up events, film screenings, parties, daily outlines/schedules of places to hit and network....it's a job just preparing for Park City. There's an art to mastering the Sundance/Slamdance Main Street experience. So much to do. So little time. Between the 2 festivals, about 150 films (including features and short films), multiple seminars/events down the street by the hour, parties by the hour, it never ends. I'm glad I've been there as a filmmaker with a hit film to experience. Because of that, I've mastered the process every year and can get things lined out.

The next 3 days will be super busy here in Los Angeles. Then the cool drive up there. Opening night parties on Friday. The madness over the weekend. Then calming down a little as the festival ends. There's always something to do there. You just take your pick where you want to be.

I've been to Park City 3 times: twice as a filmmaker with a hit film (PHONE SEX GRANDMA in 2006, THE OUTHOUSE in 2008) and once as a Short Film Juror (2012 Slamdance Film Festival). This time around (officially) I'll be going as a Programmer for the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival, but I'll be there to release my new NO BUDGET FILMMAKING book. It'll be nice for a change to not be there with a film, and instead, just be able to go around letting people know about the new book. The networking is the best part of the Park City madness. The festivals have changed alot over the years (for the worst), but one thing that stays the same that's great is the networking and the friendships you make that week of independent film up in the mountains through the snow. There's nothing like it.

Gotta get to work for getting ready.....

Directed by Jack Truman
2008 Slamdance $99 Special
A Dixie Film

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